Seconds Waiting

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Seconds waiting.

Seconds waiting. Waiting is something that requires the use of work time with patience, fortitude, honesty, skill, knowledge and practices srta pengamalannya.
Seconds, is meant the time was coming, soon, almost close and if you interpret other meanings with other meanings.
The meaning of the word union here is almost the arrival of something in us.

So what is it? ... certainly needs a broad understanding, wise, knowledgeable, real have proof, and communication skills and experience of the situation, atmosphere, time and condition.

If Released from a variety of opinion; "Waiting is a boring, confusing, full of signs and asked," dynamics; What awaited ?.... Where waiting ?..... When the waiting time ?..... Why wait ?.... Who is a friend waiting for ?.... And other questions.

To answer all of them, should one attempt in order to determine the direction of the steps or path to the expected goals. What seems necessary to move all of them; including;
1. Instinct sense prepared for assessment and learning,
2. Science is conducted according to objective rules,
3. Association ethical, courteous and virtuous noble character,
4. Understanding luasa will state the situation, condition and tolerance,
5. Maintenance, testing, control, and governance in a good management.

Why is that ?.... waiting for something that we do well will lead to the creation, motipasi, insfirasi, initiative and how to pose the use or usability, where they have to wait, for a person with another person is different, this is where we use to be a lot of benefits and use.

Given that, we prepare what is needed after the expiration of waiting. certainly hopeful that the wait would awaited arrival, our example of living will definitely wait to die, sure death will come scowled us, now we use during our lives and prepare us to achieve happiness as long as we are alive or after death.

May be useful for all!.


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